Shulman Health and Wellness

Produce going bad? Here are some ways to repurpose your produce

Published on March 28, 2021


The classic tale of grocery shopping goes something like this...

We grocery shop on a Sunday, prepare some meals for the week and then by Friday we notice that our refrigerator's crisp drawer is still packed to the brim! We had all the good intentions of eating raw crunchy veggies and leafy greens throughout the week, but didn't make it through the entire lot. Rather than tossing out these nutritious vegetables, here are some easy ways to purpose them so they don't go to waste.


Add some greens to your smoothies

When you start to notice that your spinach, arugula or kale is wilting, add them to your favourite smoothie for a fiber kick. This is a great way to repurpose your leafy greens that are starting to go bad as you can put a few handfuls into a smoothie without changing the flavour. Check out some of our favourite delicious smoothie recipes here.


Make a batch of soup or stew

A warm cup of soup feels good on any given day! If you have onions, carrots or celery that needs to be used up, make a batch of your favourite soup and incorporate some produce here. Portion batches out and freeze for a quick grab-and-go nutritious meal. Check out some nourishing soup recipes here.


Saute your greens

Sometimes all it takes is a good dash of olive oil, some fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper to liven up those wilted greens! Saute spinach, kale or other greens in a pan and serve as a side dish at lunch or dinner.


Pickle them!

This is one you probably haven't thought of before! Most veggies can be pickled to improve their shelf life and this will give you a nice boost of gut-friendly bacteria. Some vegetables to pickle include:

  • Radishes
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Jalapenos
  • Green beans
  • Cucumber

Here is a great article on how to pickle your veggies at home with a few simple ingredients.


Rather than letting your produce go to waste, follow the above recommendations to reduce food waste in your home. Let us know what you think of these recommendations in the comments below!


Like what you've read? Check out this article on grocery store essentials.

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