Published on May 29, 2013
Last night, I received one of the most moving e-mails from a former client at Shulman Weight Loss.
When I first met this client, she told me she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, had little to no strength, was incredibley fatigued and was constantly eating and craving sugar.
I share her e-mail with you below to show how powerful natural health care can be. Although I gave her the plan (and her words are so kind) - I did not save her, she did the hard work herself. Her dedication to cleaning up her diet, balancing her blood sugars and getting active did this. I just had the privledge of being her coach and guide along the way.
Whereever you are in your health - just take one small step forward - it will change your life.
Wishing you best health and hoping this inspries you like it inpsired me,

"Dr. Joey - I dedicate this to you. Your previous 25 pound overweight, sad, stressed, 3x postpartum, pale, sugar-addicted client (with MS) just ran a marathon this weekend in 3:38 and came in 5th in her age category. Thank you Joey, you literally saved me. "
Anne Blumstein, Toronto
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