Shulman Health and Wellness


Published on December 28, 2011

Dr. Joey’s 7 step cleanse to losing weight and feeling better fast!

Dr. Joey’s 7 step cleanse to losing weight and feeling better fast!   If you are like so many that feel bloated, tired and overweight post holiday season, this easy to follow cleanse is for you! Why cleanse? By doing so, you allow your body to quickly detoxify resulting in quick weight loss, a boost in metabolism and an improvement in overall well-being and health. Side effects of following the steps below include;

  • An improvement in bowel health and less bloating
  • Improvement in skin
  • Clarity of thought
  • Improvement in mood
  • Healthy weight loss around the abdominal region!

Do not confuse a cleanse with fasting. During a cleansing period, you will still be eating nutrient dense, calorie light foods and can continue to exercise. To start a cleansing and feel your very best, simply follow the 7 steps below for 7-10 days.

  1. Drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day. Twice per day squeeze half a lemon into warm water and drink. Herbal tea consumptions counts as water.
  2. Drop all grain with the exception of a ¼ cup of bran per day to avoid constipation. Load up on vegetables, proteins, fruits and essential fats.
  3. Keep hard-boiled eggs and baby carrots in your fridge. These options are perfect for when hunger and cravings hit.
  4. Eat a minimum of 3 ounces of protein per meal (chicken, fish, egg, turkey, tuna, soy). To eyeball, 3 ounces of protein = the palm of your hand without a finger or thumbs.
  5. Eat fresh and live green food as often as you can such as spinach, broccoli, kale, rapini and swiss chard.
  6. Eat “good fats” to fill up and burn fat. Options include almonds, walnuts, olive oil, sesame oil, ground flaxseeds or chia seeds and avocados. It is also advisable to supplement with a high quality, distilled fish oil.  Avoid all trans fatty acids and saturated fats.
  7. Eat minimal dairy products. If you do eat dairy, opt for Greek yogurt (1/2 cup), cottage cheese or goat’s cheese.

The top 3 cleansing supplements I recommend are:

  1. A probiotics – the “friendly” bacteria that will ensure immunity is high and digestive health is at its maximum
  2. A green powder such as greens+ and/or chlorophyll – to ensure your system tends towards an alkaline state (vs. acidic....more on this in a later blog!)
  3. A high quality multi-vitamin – to act as a nutritional safety net (especially during the winter months)

Dr. Joey's latest release The Metabolism Boosting Diet will be in stores Janaury 17th! For more information, please visit and

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